I’ve been on a special mission to find the perfect liquid matte lipstick for a while now and I have gathered a little experiment on three liquid lipsticks. The companies are Limecrime, Kat Von D & Pretty Zombie Cosmetics. Although there is a lot more companies that have their own liquid lipsticks the three companies that I have chosen for my experiment have been my top three go to liquid lipsticks of all time. I hope this experiment will help you better decide which company is worth your time and money.
First for Consistency from Thinnest on the lips to Thickest:
Pretty Zombie Cosmetics
Kat Von D
Winner: Limecrime
For the best staining power on the lips from Longest to Shortest:
Pretty Zombie Cosmetics
Kat Von D
Winner: Pretty Zombie Cosmetics
From the Smell of the liquid lipsticks from Bad to Good:
Limecrime (It smells so gross, like butter from popcorn but worse. Not sure if it’s because it’s “Vegan”)
Kat Von D & Pretty Zombie Cosmetics don’t have a scent. (Which is good!)
Winner: Kat Von D & Pretty Zombie Cosmetics
Longest Wear on the Lips from Longest to Shortest:
Pretty Zombie Cosmetics
Kat Von D
Winner: Pretty Zombie Cosmetics
Most Drying Liquid Lipstick from Most Drying to Least Drying:
Pretty Zombie Cosmetics
Kat Von D
Winner: Kat Von D
Fastest to Dry on the Lips from Fastest to Slowest:
Pretty Zombie Cosmetics
Kat Von D
Winner: Pretty Zombie Comsetics
Liquid Lipsticks most probable to crack on the lips:
Pretty Zombie Cosmetics
Kat Von D
Winner: Kat Von D
Transparency Test on the Lips: (When I gave myself a kiss on my hand I got the most product from):
Pretty Zombie Cosmetics
Kat Von D
Winner: Pretty Zombie Cosmetics
Price from Low to High:
Pretty Zombie Cosmetics $11.00
Kat Von D $20.00
Limecrime $20.00
Winner: Pretty Zombie Cosmetics
Packaging From Good to Best:
Pretty Zombie Cosmetics
Kat Von D
Winner: Kat Von D
Liquid Lipstick with the most product:
Kat Von D
Pretty Zombie Cosmetics
Winner: Kat Von D
Liquid Lipstick Company with the most colors to choose from:
Kat Von D
Pretty Zombie Cosmetics
Winner: Kat Von D
I really hope this helped some of you in deciding for yourself which product you would be more interested in purchasing when it comes to liquid lipsticks. In my own personal preference I would purchase again Kat Von D Pretty Zombie Cosmetics products over Limecrime ANY day. I’m so disappointed in the new formula of the KVD Everlasting liquid lipsticks. The KVD lipsticks new formula is too chunky and thick on the lips. The words Everlasting should be marked off these new formula lipsticks…they’re not everlasting at all. Although the Limecrime liquid lipstick I purchased in Pink Velvet is such a gorgeous color, I can’t get over the horrible smell it has before applying it on the lips. I really wish someone would have told me before I purchased it how awful it smells. I take back being excited for their Clueless Witch collection.Again it’s my own personal opinion about the smell, who knows maybe you will like the butter smell. As for the Pretty Zombie Cosmetics liquid lipstick I purchased in 3 witches, I fell in love with the color and I thought it was great until it started peeling off my lips. I guess it peeled off since I have really dry lips! So if you’re like me and have really dry lips you might want to consider wearing lip balm before using any liquid lipsticks, especially when using a Pretty Zombie Cosmetics liquid lipstick. Kat Von D liquid lipsticks really stand out for me, I can honestly say I don’t have anything bad to say about the Kat Von D liquid lipsticks. I currently have two from Kat and I am loving them so much!!! My perfect liquid lipstick is without a doubt the Everlasting Love Kat Von D liquid lipsticks!!! 🙂
See you guys later! – Ami
June 24,2014 UPDATE; Hey guys, so Kat Von D re- released her liquid lipsticks with a new formula. I am not too happy about it since I raved and used the old formula lipstick for this blog experiment I conducted. Taking that into consideration I had to re-do my testing on the KVD liquid lipstick and I will rate the KVD lipstick as my second choice of high brand liquid lipsticks. Pretty Zombie Cosmetics is better than KVD’s new formula in my opinion.
If I had to choose which to buy it would be in this order:
1. Pretty Zombie Comsetics
2. Kat Von D
3. Limecrime
If you guys have any more questions, please feel free to ask away!
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thank you i loved it!
I’m glad you enjoyed this post! Thank you for taking the time to read 🙂
This post was so helpful to me! I love KVD and was considering either trying lime crime or zombie next. I’m going with zombie!
I’m glad this post helped you 🙂
I have been looking all over the internet for alternatives for black matte lipstick, I want to own a black matte lippie so badly. This helped immensely, and I am happy you went back and redid the kvd, at first glance I was considering hunting down her black matte but now I will just stick with eyeballing pretty zombie’s.
I’m so happy that this post helped you Lindsey !!! PZC is much more affordable than LC and I feel they last longer! Plus for some reason Limecrime is ALWAYS out of stock or their shipping takes a long time. -Ami
How long did shipping take for PZC?
I would say the standard 3-5 business days!
I love your article ! I already have KVD and Lime Crime lipsticks but never try Pretty zombie cosmetics… Now with your article I really want to try them ! 🙂 Do they ship in France ?
Thanks for the kind words 🙂 I believe they do ship worldwide 🙂 here’s their link to where they ship http://www.prettyzombiecosmetics.com/shipping I think they’re really affordable and worth the price. Stila’s liquid lipsticks are also a 3rd option for me!!-Ami 🙂
I wanted to purchase a matte lippie but I didn’t know which one to get between KVD and LimeCrime. Could you tell me which one is better or which one you think is worth it.
With so many new companies having their own matte lipstick, I think there’s better liquid lipsticks now, since then when I wrote this post. I would not buy Limecrime ever again (their scandal on stealing money from their clients) and Kat Von D ‘s are great but they’re always out of stock. I would purchase Stila’s liquid lipsticks or Anastasia Beverly Hills liquid lipsticks (high end options) I am working on a post for drugstore liquid lipsticks that will be posted soon! Stay tuned! -Ami 🙂 hope this helps
I ordered 2 pretty zombie lipsticks and they are not even matte or transfer proof. It never dried and got everywhere! I hate the smell of the lime crime, but it at least dried. I was able to wear it all night and through an entire meal at Denny’s. I waited for the PZ to dry and it never did. One bite of food and I had blue everywhere. I was lucky I was at home just testing it out…… Turns out the company doesn’t claim it’s transfer proof. I wouldn’t even compare it to a LC Velveteen. I was so excited for the alternative, but now I’m back to square one.
Oh wow. I’m shocked. I have 3 witches and it takes a couple of minutes to dry but it dries matte and it doesn’t transfer when I eat or drink as much as my Limecrime one. Im not sure why we both have different results, but I’m sorry to hear that. There’s a lot more different brands of liquid lipsticks that have been released since I wrote this. I’ve heard that the Colour Pop liquid lipsticks formula are dupes for Limecrime. I would suggest trying one and testing it out. They’re also really affordable! -Ami
Where can I get pretty zombie cosmetics in stores new jersey new york or la splash dying to get the purple shade cannot buy online