Hi friends, I am still here… (insert my life has been very busy blah blah blah here) I’m so close to graduating from college and it’s actual so surreal to even say that. My college journey is coming to and end and it’s time to face the real world.
I come with a lot of baggage and part of that baggage includes my anxiety. A lot of people will say it’s normal to feel that was especially with things like school, but most people don’t know me at all. I live in constant crippling anxiety and I feel like things are x10 more intense for anyone who suffers from anxiety.
I’ve also been MIA on social media. The reason for that is simply because I feel like sometimes it’s hard to live my authentic self on social media. Part of me wants a beautiful Instagram feed and the other part wants to post pictures of my Game of Thrones socks. I’m on a constant battle of a love/hate relationship with social media. Sometimes it just feels good to not post anything and live my life. Sometimes it’s just good for my soul to take a step back from social media in general and just do me.
I’m still trying to vlog every month, which I’ve kept up, sorta. I still love makeup and I keep buying it. I will do my best to update this site with more beauty posts!!
With getting ready for graduation, I’m also getting ready for another Las Vegas trip with my soul sisters!!! I will be vlogging all of this and posting tons of pics on my Instagram.
Have you seen my latest vlog?
I’d love to hear some feedback on my vlogs I am very new to it and I would like to learn how I can grow as a vlogger. Also I’d love to subscribe to your channel. Leave your link below!!