Ending Shows

Community will return for their last season! The show will continue with Yahoo! in 2015 and will consist of 13 new episodes continuing the end from season five from when it was part of NBC. The gang will be brought back together in this last and final season and hopefully characters from the show’s past will reoccur for one last time at Greendale community college. After this sixth season I do hope that Abed’s “six seasons and a movie” does happen and word says that it just might as long-term fans of this comedic show of a never ending college we demand a movie!

Look back to what the Save Greendale crew has done in season five.

The second part of the final season of Mad Men will premiere in the Spring of 2015, the last season will be “The End of an Era” and it really will be, we will say goodbye to the great Don Draper and his long time ensemble from the 1960’s.

Take a look back at the recap from part one of this last season and to all the goodbyes done in the last episode.

Parks and Recreation has come to its last season after the Unity Concert it all went fast pace, Leslie stayed in Pawnee and began her work as Regional Director for the National Parks Department, Ben is alongside her and her triplets are already born. NBC announced that this last seventh season will have 13 new episodes to look forward to and several characters from the show would be returning as well for its final season.I know for one I will miss the inspiring Leslie Knope and the great man that is Ron Swanson.

Bye Bye Lil’ Sebastian!

The end is near for True Blood and for Bill Compton it might be the true death. True Blood ends its very last season Sunday night at nine tune in for the last adventure with Sookie. Last episode “Love Is To Die”  left off with Bill’s refusal to take the cure as Eric has and her and Jessica’s need for him to stay alive though he does not want it.

Sam leaves with his child leaving two letters behind, one for Sookie and the other for Andy though Sookie’s is much more heartfelt. And Eric counsels with Bill over Sookie’s happiness and brings her to Bill for closure, Eric’s selfless act only shows how he can bring her love if she were to choose him in the end. Hoyt and Jessica come back together after a tiring conversation with Bill on his refusal to cure himself and her asking to be released, Jessica clings to Hoyt for old time sake and Brigette has gone after realizing Hoyt chooses Jessica over her love.

In the end we shall see if Bill shall truly meet the true death and who else will survive in Bon Temps, Louisiana.

This is a clip for what is to come this Sunday

Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer, and Alexander Skarsgard were the absolute best in this show, they will be missed.



3 responses to “Ending Shows

  1. Pingback: Ending Shows | Hoosier Herald·

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