The Girl Is Poison

April Movies


Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Accompanied by Black Widow, Steve Rogers tries to accommodate to the modern world but trouble strikes when an unknown enemy appears to his territory with a destined job to kill Nick Fury. Along with Black Widow he searches for the enemy called The Winter Soldier only to discover secrets from the past coming back to modern time to cause ruin.

The Railway Man

Singapore in 1942, as the soldiers escape their positions they bare witness to the fall of the British Empire, the flag has fallen and they have no other choice but capture. Eric Lomax played by both actors Colin Firth as the older version and Jeremy Irvine as the younger version take us forward to time passed and to the discovery of his interrogator’s still existence. “War leaves a mark” and Eric’s past haunts him to change, something that his wife wishes to stop.


This horror movie invites us in to the tragedy that two children, brother and sister face when their parents unexpectedly die and the fault falls to the brother. After his release years later ,his sister, played by Karen Gillan searches for what she believes truly killed her parents. The mystery of the supernatural creeps its way back to their lives and the nightmare continues to torment as it did once before.


Johnny Depp stars as Dr. Will Caster who is well known for his controversial works alongside his wife Evelyn and his best friend Max Waters. As he tries to come close to linking his project an anti-technology group against all his beliefs tries to get rid of his existence but do the mistake of only further pushing him into transcendence. All knowledge and power begins to spin out of control and his wife must come to terms to stopping his rule.



