The Girl Is Poison

New Limecrime and NYX collections!


If you’re not familiar with Limecrime, you should! Limecrime is a makeup company that is fouded by a lovely woman named Doe Deere. Limecrime is known for its super duper cute unicorn lipstick packaging.  The new Velvetines are part of the Clueless Witch Collection. The Clueless With Collection will be sold on March 19,2014 . The collection has three new velvetines named Wicket, Salem and Black Velvet. I am beyond excited to get my hands on Salem! I am a bit disappointed that Limecrime decided to launch this collection during Spring since the colors in this collection scream out fall.



Nyx have been teasing us about their newest collection, with posting pictures on Twitter and Instagram about their Macaroon Lipsticks!!! Some of the shades are not your every day lip colors but they are fun to look at and to experiment with. Heck if you are feeling fearless why not sport out a cool blue lipstick? Why not?


Which collection are you  most excited for? Comment below and let me know! -Ami 

