The Girl Is Poison

I’m a vlogger now? Youtube + more


Hello my lovelies. Hope everyone is having a fantastic start of a new year. It’s barely been ten days so I will give it a month before I start complaining that this has been the worst year of my life. As much as I hate to admit it, I’m a drama queen.

I am writing you guys here on my blog because by the time this post gets published my first Youtube vlog video will be up on my channel. Who would have thought I would have made a vlog channel? Not me.

I started this blog about four years ago and it’s been so rewarding see my blog grow. I will continue to post reviews and much more here.

The reason why I wanted to create my own vlog channel is because I love making videos of my friends and family. I love watching back all those memories made with people, and I want to keep them forever. I hate when people are always like “don’t record this, or why are you taking a picture of this? Well first, I’m a photographer it’s my job, and two because I love taking photos and videos. Everyone has a certain way to keep their memories, and for me recording it is the best way to document mine.

I also created the channel because I am SO shy in real life but if I start getting comfortable with you, you will see that I am really silly and I tend to make dumb jokes or a lot of TV/movie references. I want to get out of my comfort zone and one of the best ways is to share a little bit more of myself with the world.

I’m not sure how often I will be posting on their but as soon as I do, I will let you all know. P.S I named it “In My Life” afer The Beatles song.

Thank you to everyone who is subscribed to this blog, from the bottom of my heart I thank you for reading my content. If you have a Youtube channel link it down below in the comments and we can follow each other. I hope you guys follow me through this new blogging journey!

Check out my first vlog down below!

