The Girl Is Poison

Hair Journey & Damaged Hair


I’ve never had my hair so damaged, to the point where I had to style my hair a la Ariana Grande (half way up/down). It would bug me so much that Ariana Grande styles her hair one way for every event she went to. My hair has been through so much, that it saddens me to say that I, like Ariana Grande style my hair one way.


It began one summer ago when I had my hair red, that I decided to have fun with my hair and do the ombre. I believe I had magenta, dark purple, turquoise and pastel pink.  I was on a mission to go crazy with my hair…believe it or not that’s not the way my hair got damaged! (Pictured below are my different colored ombres and hair transformations that led to my damaged hair).

Started like this:



After I went Ombre, I decided to dye my hair red again. My hair wouldn’t get the color so I chopped my hair up to my shoulders and stayed brunette. My hair was fine during my brief time as a brunette. I snagged a job and decided to get my hair “professionally done” for the first time in a long time. What sucks is that I didn’t damage my hair when I dyed and styled it on my own…



I wanted to get some highlights and the hair stylist recommended for me not to get them (my hair was dry). Instead she recommended for me to go red. Take note: I vowed to never dye my hair red again (too messy). I gave in and then she began to bleach my entire hair. I should have known when she bleached my hair that it was a bad idea. First she left the bleach on my hair for more than an hour. When I insisted she rinse it off, she was “too busy” with other clients. BULL. I know. My hair couldn’t get the color I wanted so she DYED my hair again. Lastly I decided to just keep a cherry red , because I didn’t want my hair to fry even more. By then my hair was gone…. (cue T.I’s Dead & Gone).


After my pleasant visit to the hair salon, I decided to dye my hair back to dark brown. At this moment I thought “what the hell, my hair is already damaged, if it’s going to be damaged might as well be dark and unnoticeable”.


Now, Finally my hair grew out about shoulder length and I just had a haircut (a bad haircut) the haircut was too choppy for my liking. I felt like I looked like Chucky the murderous doll. So, now I have sew in extensions to blend in with my choppy hair. P.S HUGE PROPS to the women who wear sew in extensions they’re itchy and uncomfortable to wear.

 My hair as of today

Moral to this story is, do your research before you dye your hair, or let anyone touch your hair! DO NOT, let a hairstylist keep bleach in your hair for more than 15 minutes without checking up on it! If she leaves it longer, tell her/him to rinse it off. Also every time you dye your hair…deep condition it and use a  lot’s of treatments. Also get trims every once in a while. Dead/Fried hair weight downs your hair. Oh and most importantly let someone you trust cut your hair.

 – Ami



