The Girl Is Poison

Sally Hansen Microwavable Eyebrow, Face & Lip Wax review!


If you’re like me and have facial hair you need to get rid off, this post is for you! I have tried so many ways to get rid of facial hair…anything from shaving, threading, bleaching and even waxing. Waxing has always been my favorite way to get rid of unwanted hair but it can be very pricey when you get it done at salons. I was at my local Wal-Mart and I ended up spotting this Sally Hansen Microwavable Eyebrow, Face & Lip wax that caught my attention. This wax came in a kit and was under $6.00. Before trying out this wax kit I would use the Sally Hansen Face cream remover. The cream hair remover had worked for me for a very long time, but for some odd reason it stopped removing unwanted facial hair.

Overall: I really liked the kit, it was very useful giving you directions on how to properly use the kit. The only downfall to this kit is that it doesn’t include the paper to remove the wax from. Other than that this kit was very easy to use and very affordable. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to wax without spending more than $10.00

